Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bradley Manning, the Song

When I was on vacation to San Francisco in June of course I made a pilgrimage to Amoeba Records, a huge over-whelming experience. One 45 rpm record that caught my attention was called “Bradley Manning.” Now, of course I recognized the name, that of the gay Army soldier and whistle blower/traitor/victim/hero (your call) behind passing classified material on the Afghan War to the WikiLeaks website. But I had not heard that a song was recorded about him, by indy artist Cass McCombs.

And not only a song but McCombs released a video of it, garnering a story by NPR.

Towards the end of my stay I watched the SF Pride Parade and noticed a sizeable contingent called “Free Bradley Manning.” His saga is still unfolding.

Below, post card insert with the 45

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