Sunday, January 22, 2012

Charming Teenagers – With a Message

These are not new videos, nor are they the usual GLBT artist fare I generally mention in this blog. But both of them made an impact on me and certainly merit a revisit. In 2005 a video of a then-eleven year old Dutch boy, Terence Uphoff, singing on a Netherlands television show Kinderen voor Kinderen (Children for Children), garnered over two million viewings. He sings about his Two Fathers ("Twee Vaders") in a way that would charm anyone.

Hosting Kinderen voor Kinderen at the time of this video was lesbian comedian, author, singer, TV host Claudia de Breij.

And around 2009 UK singer Lily Allen released a very, Very catchy song “Fuck You,” and it wasn’t long before folks in a number of countries uploaded lip-syncing videos, aiming their message and visuals squarely at homophobia. My favorite is still the first one I saw, by a group of adorable French teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. Actually he sings quite well!
    And Lily's cover is funny as well. Love this song. BTW in case you haven't tried this free family tree maker.
